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This page contains the archived version for the 2023/2024 edition of the course.

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Course Organization

Teachers: Luigi De Russis, Alberto Monge Roffarello.

The course will be held primarly in person, with video-recorded lectures and the possibility of virtual attendance during some exercises (see the Introduction slides).

Students are encouraged to attend the classes with their laptops.

Course Topics

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become increasingly present and integrated in our daily lives, with complex and often unpredictable solutions. This complexity and unpredictability make it difficult for users to understand, trust, and adopt such solutions with success. The course aims at introducing methodologies and techniques to design and build intelligent interactive systems that are usable and useful for all, also reflecting on the impact that AI applications have and will have on their users. A combination of lectures and workshop-style sessions will introduce students to different techniques for creating such intelligent systems across a few selected domains.

  • Introduction to Human-AI Interaction
  • Trade-offs in Human-AI Interaction
    • Augmenting or replacing people?
    • Direct manipulation or agents?
  • Designing and evaluating human-centered AI systems
    • Guidelines and methods
    • Data, bias, and trust
  • Paradigms for Human-AI Interaction
    • Smart interfaces, conversational agents and chatbots
  • Hands-on session: prototyping a conversational agent


The exam will consist in the evaluation of three exercises proposed and developed during the class hours.

A successful completion of the final exercise and at least one of the other two are needed to pass the exam.