Development Resources
This page contains the archived version for the 2022/2023 edition of the course.
Go to the latest version
This section lists the software applications and the libraries used in the course. In addition, it includes some additional resources that might be useful for the creation of web applications.
Software In Use
- Node.js 18.14 (LTS) and npm
- Visual Studio Code
- Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox (at least Chrome 88+ or Firefox 85+)
- React Developer Tools (Chrome extension or Firefox extension)
- DB Browser for SQLite
- git
Additional libraries (e.g., React, Express, sqlite, ...) will be installed via npm.
Guides and documentation
- Essential documentation around web technologies and development: Mozilla Developer Network (MDN)
- React official website and (beta) documentation
- Bootstrap 5.2 and React Bootstrap
- To dive deep into JavaScript's secrets: You Don't Know JS Yet (2nd edition)
- The Modern JavaScript Tutorial
Other Useful Resources
- Simulate a mobile device from a desktop browser (e.g., with Chrome's Device Mode)
- Web design:
- Google Fonts is a great resource of easy-to-use fonts, while FontPair may help you pair them.
- Wunderstock and Unsplash are a good starting point to find Creative Commons photos.
- Adobe Color is an interactive web app to help you choose nice color schemes