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The exam consists of the evaluation of the projects (by groups), followed by an oral exam.

It must be passed in the current academic year. Material for the projects evaluation must be available on the GitHub repositories assigned to each group.

Next exams, with deadlines:

  • 03/02/2025 h. 09:00, Room 2N

    • remember to enroll at the exam, by 28/01/2025, on the Portale della Didattica
    • all the assignments (including the code) must be on the group's GitHub repositories by 27/01/2025 EOD
    • the schedule of the groups' presentations will be shared a few days before the exam
  • 21/02/2025 h. 09:00, Room 2N

    • remember to enroll at the exam, by 17/02/2025, on the Portale della Didattica
    • all the assignments (including the code) must be on the group's GitHub repositories by 14/02/2025 EOD
    • the schedule of the groups' presentations will be shared a few days before the exam

Group Projects (with Assignments)

All the deadlines are EOD (End Of Day).