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European projects

Critical Making is a Erasmus+ Forward Looking Project, started on the 1st of January, 2024. The objective of the project is the design and evaluation of curricula and recommendations for teacher trainings targeted to equip in- and pre-service teachers with the necessary competences and methodological skills to tackle disinformation and to thus foster students’ digital competencies in STEM. In line with the Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027, the innovative concept features a project-based learning (PBL) approach in pedagogical makerspaces, offering the potential to challenge disinformation and to cover digital competencies in science contexts in a comprehensive and practical way, through making and usage of innovative digital technologies and tools. Thematically, sustainable development is focused across all areas.

AccessCoVE aims to structure excellence in Vocational Education and Training in the field of Accessibility. Twenty-five partners from four different countries (Greece, Sweden, Spain, and Italy) joined their forces to establish a European multi-level innovative and constantly growing Centre of Vocational Excellence - the AccessCoVE - in the field of accessibility for individuals with disabilities (i.e. individuals with impairments and elders).

National or Regional projects

Improving digital wellbeing with and for teens: a gamified and personalized intelligent system

A PRIN 2022 project, funded by the MUR and developed in collaboration with the University of Bologna. Together with members of both universities, we share the vision that digital wellbeing is more a path of personal growth that requires education rather than self-monitoring strategies.

Within the project, we will design, implement, and evaluate a novel gamification platform for teaching digital wellbeing as a part of educational programs, with the direct involvement of high-school teachers and students.

Il progetto SERICS (Security and Rights In the CyberSpace) è un Partenariato Esteso nell'ambito del PNRR – Missione 4, componente 2 | Linea 7 "Cybersecurity, nuove tecnologie e tutela dei diritti"; le attività di SERICS si svilupperanno su 10 spoke.

Il gruppo e-Lite partecipa attivamente allo Spoke 8: Gestione del rischio e governance (UNIBO) (in particolare al progetto Risk management for future cyber-physical ecosystems (EcoCyber)), ed allo Spoke 7: Sicurezza delle infrastrutture (POLITO) (in particolare al progetto Secure AND Safe infrasTructures fOR cps in the compute continuuM (SANDSTORM)).

Il progetto "Future Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR)" è un Partenariato Esteso nell'ambito del PNRR che si pone l'obiettivo di contribuire ad affrontare le domande di ricerca, le metodologie, i modelli, le tecnologie e anche le regole etiche e legali per costruire la nuova generazione di sistemi di Intelligenza Artificiale.

Il gruppo e-Lite partecipa attivamente allo Spoke 7: Edge-exascale AI, coordinato dal Politecnico di Torino.