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7 posts tagged with "projects"

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· 2 min read
Laura Farinetti
Assistant professor
Fulvio Corno
Full Professor

Il 5 marzo 2025 partirà la seconda edizione del corso Critical Making, rivolto ai docenti di scuola secondaria superiore nell'ambito del progetto europeo Erasmus+ "Critical Making", che ha come obiettivo combattere la disinformazione in ambito scientifico attraverso la progettazione didattica e l'integrazione delle tecnologie.

· One min read
Fulvio Corno
Full Professor
Laura Farinetti
Assistant professor
Luca Pezzolla
Ph.D. Student

On July 15 and 16, the partners of the AccessCoVE project met for the 2nd plenary meeting of the project (following the kick-off meeting in Thessaloniki in September 2023, and many on-line meetings).

The partners were hosted for two very dense days in the Ciminiera Meeting Room at the Department of Control and Computer Engineering, in Politecnico di Torino. The partners revised the different Workpackages and pending activities, and planned a significant number of activities for the next Autumn.

· 2 min read
Fulvio Corno
Full Professor
Laura Farinetti
Assistant professor

Critical Making is a newly approved Erasmus+ Forward Looking Project, that will start on the 1st of January, 2024. In preparation for the project start, some partners (Politecnico di Torino, the Links Foundation and the Pädagogische Hochschule Weingarten) organized a hands-on activity, open to teachers of Politecnico di Torino and other collaborators of the TLlab.

Critical Making Scenarios and activity sheets

On December 7th, teachers gathered in the nice "Palazzina TLlab", the key space for all activities of the Teaching and Language Lab, and were guided by Flavio Renga and Chiara Ciociola (Links Foundation) in the analysis of 4 different scenarios that may contain scientifically inaccurate (or outright wrong) information. In a 3-step process, teachers were asked to identify the elements of "critical thinking", "making" and "disinformation" in one of the scenarios, to share their ideas in a group and synthesize them, and finally to start working on a possible definition for 'critical making' by reshuffling the groups and comparing ideas and insights. The 2-hour activity went out in a breeze, and the results presented by the moderators were intriguing and promising, and will be used as a starting point for the project activities.

· One min read
Fulvio Corno
Full Professor
Laura Farinetti
Assistant professor

The project AccessCoVE aims to structure excellence in Vocational Education and Training in the field of Accessibility, by establishing a European multi-level innovative and constantly growing Centre of Vocational Excellence - the AccessCoVE - in the field of accessibility for individuals with disabilities.

On November 30, 2023, Politecnico di Torino organized an event on the topic of "Disability, Research, and Intersectionality", with talks by several researchers and professors who are actively involved in the field of accessibility. The event was organized in occasion of the International Day of rights of persons with disabilities.

In that context, we held a short presentation of the AccessCoVE project, its partners, its objectives, and the ways in which the project will involve the whole research community of Politecnico di Torino, and other national associations and research centers.

AccessCoVE cover slide

· One min read
Fulvio Corno
Full Professor
Laura Farinetti
Assistant professor

Lo sviluppo del pensiero critico (Critical Thinking) è uno degli obiettivi fondamentali della formazione a tutti i livelli, ma anche un tema rilevante a livello sociale, per il contrasto alle fake news, specialmente in ambito STEM.

Il Dipartimento di Automatica e Informatica ed il Teaching and Language Lab, in collaborazione con la Fondazione Links e con la Pädagogische Hochschule Weingarten, organizza un workshop collaborativo per esplorare le possibilità educative, basate soprattutto su metodiche sperimentali ed esperienziali, e per immaginare insieme attività didattiche che aiutino la comprensione e il contrasto delle fake news in campo scientifico e tecnologico.

I risultati del workshop saranno resi accessibili a tutta la comunità accademica e forniranno un importante input per il progetto Erasmus+ "Critical Making" a cui partecipa il Politecnico di Torino (Dipartimento DAUIN e TLlab) partecipa.

Workshop Banner

· One min read
Fulvio Corno
Full Professor
Laura Farinetti
Assistant professor

AccessCoVE (European Centre of Vocational Excellence in Accessibility) is an Erasmus+ project that aims to structure excellence in Vocational Education and Training in the field of Accessibility. Twenty-five partners from four different countries (Greece, Sweden, Spain, and Italy) joined their forces to establish a European multi-level innovative and constantly growing Centre of Vocational Excellence - the AccessCoVE - in the field of accessibility for individuals with disabilities (i.e. individuals with impairments and elders). The project is coordinated by prof. Konstantinos Papadopoulos from University of Macedonia (Thessaloniki, Greece).