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Most Influential Paper Award at IE 2024

· One min read
Luigi De Russis
Associate Professor

On June 2024, 2024, Luigi De Russis joined (online) the closing and awards ceremony at the Intelligent Environments (IE) 2024 conference to receive the Most Influential Paper Award for the 2018 paper entitled "'Hey Siri, do you understand me?': Virtual Assistants and Dysarthria".

Most influential paper award at IE 24

The paper, authored by Fabio Ballati (former Ph.D. student), Fulvio Corno, and Luigi De Russis is recognized as the most influential paper in the last 5 years.

It was the first work of the group on conversational agents and dysarthric speech, which was followed up by a full paper presented the ACM ASSETS 2018 conference.

The awarded paper can be found on: