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Participation at AVI 2024

· 2 min read
Luigi De Russis
Associate Professor

On June 4-7, 2024, the e-Lite group will attend (in person) the 17th International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2024) in Arenzano, Italy.

The group will organize a workshop entitled "Digital Wellbeing for Teens: Designing Educational Systems (DIGI-Teens 2024)" in the morning of Tuesday, 4 June as part of a PRIN 2022 research project. Luigi De Russis, Alberto Monge Roffarello, Luca Scibetta e Massimiliano Pellegrino will join the workshop (and the entire conference).

Massimiliano Pellegrino will present the short paper "Digital Wellbeing Lens: Design Interfaces That Respect User Attention" on Friday, 7 June at 12:00 (session: Design).

Banner of the AVI 2024 conference

The paper explores the idea of having designers prioritizing users' digital wellbeing during the design stage, instead of having end-users handling on external tools.

Indeed, user interfaces heavily rely on attention-capture design patterns, e.g., infinite scroll and other variable-rewarding mechanisms, that erode users' sense of autonomy and undermine their digital wellbeing. Instead of having users rely on external self-regulation tools, we advocate that tech companies and designers should prioritize users' digital wellbeing by design.

To take a first step in this direction, the paper presents Digital Wellbeing Lens, a Figma plugin that guides designers in creating user interfaces that respect and preserve user time and attention. The plugin allows the continuous evaluation of prototypes against attention-capture patterns, calculating a digital wellbeing score and suggesting suitable design alternatives.

Besides introducing the plugin, we demonstrate its practical application through a use case involving the design of a mobile social media app, and we report on the results of a first exploratory study with four designers, discussing the opportunities and challenges of embracing this paradigm shift.

Read the paper by following the links below!

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