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Participation at EICS 2023

· 3 min read
Tommaso Calò
Ph.D. Student

On June 26-30, 2023, the e-Lite group will participate (in person) in the 15th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS 2023) in Swansea, United Kingdom.

Juan Pablo Saenz and Tommaso Calò will each present a paper, while Tommaso will also discuss his doctoral research during the Doctoral Consortium.

The first paper introduces an innovative conversational agent that captures a developer's reasoning and motivations during the coding process. The second paper, on the other hand, presents a visual programming tool enabling the design, training, and evaluation of deep learning models without the need for specific programming languages. Tommaso Calò's Doctoral Consortium research discusses how AI can bring changes to human experiences during design and creative processes.

EICS 2023 Logo

Listen Veronica! Can You Give me a Hand With This Bug?

Juan Pablo will present the paper "Listen Veronica! Can You Give me a Hand With This Bug?" on on Wednesday, 28 June at 11:30.

This paper introduces Veronica, a conversational agent integrated directly into Visual Studio Code. Veronica is designed to capture a developer's reasoning and motivations, recording memos and linking them with the code they are writing. Furthermore, Veronica can interact with the web browser to automatically gather the sources consulted by the developer and attach them to the code. A usability study with 8 participants validates this approach, with the participants positively assessing the tool's usefulness.

You can read the full paper by following the link at the end of this news.

Towards A Visual Programming Tool to Create Deep Learning Models

The paper, "Towards A Visual Programming Tool to Create Deep Learning Models" will be presented by Tommaso on Wednesday, 28 June at 12:00.

The paper presents DeepBlocks, a visual programming tool that allows deep learning developers from various backgrounds to design, train, and evaluate models without having to use specific programming languages. DeepBlocks was created based on a series of formative interviews with 5 participants, and was validated through a typical use case. The results demonstrate that developers can use DeepBlocks to visually design complex deep learning architectures.

You can read the paper by following the link below!

Doctoral Consortium: Human-Centered AI for Creative Design

Tommaso Calò will also participate in the Doctoral Consortium with his research titled "Human-Centered AI for Creative Design" where he explores the opportunities for AI to bring radical changes in human experiences during the design and creative processes, assist designers' creative ability, and provide new approaches to augment design cognition. Tommaso will present his research on Monday, 30 June at 12:00.

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