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Welcome to Luca, a new Ph.D. Student

· One min read
Luigi De Russis
Associate Professor
Luca Mannella
Ph.D. Student

The e-Lite research group welcomes Luca Mannella, who started his Ph.D. in Computer and Control Engineering in the XXXVI cycle, on November 2020. Luca is co-advised by Fulvio Corno and Antonio Lioy, and will work on topics lying in the intersection of Internet of Things and Cybersecurity.

Picture of Luca Mannella

Luca Mannella graduated in Computer Engineering at Politecnico di Torino in 2018, with a thesis on Heuristics and Evolutionary Algorithms for Android Malware Signature Optimization. He was one of the winners of a Ph.D. position in the summer session of the XXXVI cycle's call. Luca's current activities aim at investigating new methods and tools for supporting developers of IoT systems to apply and be aware of cybersecurity issues and opportunities.