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Critical Making, seconda edizione corso di formazione

Critical Making, seconda edizione corso di formazione

Il progetto Erasmus+ Critical Making lancia la seconda edizione del suo corso per combattere la disinformazione in ambito scientifico attraverso la progettazione didattica e l'integrazione delle tecnologie. Il corso รจ rivolto a tutti i docenti STEM degli istituti secondari di secondo grado. Iscrizioni aperte fino al 21 febbraio.
Catia Prandi, instructor of the Citizen Science course

Citizen Science: empower data crowdsourcing and pervasive technologies for social good

From the 4th to the 6th of February 2025, Catia Prandi will hold a course on Citizen Science in our university. The invited course is part of the Ph.D. in Control and Computer Engineering, and it is open to Ph.D. students from the Politecnico and other institutions.
Luca, Francesca, and Rob, the new PhD students

Welcome to our new PhD students!

This year, we welcome three new PhD students to the group: Luca Scibetta, Francesca Russo, and Robert Schwartz. They work in the areas of digital wellbeing, human-centered AI, and education.

e-Lite: Intelligent and Interactive Systems

The e-Lite research group develops and studies innovative technologies applied to interactive applications. The spirit of the research is the integration of complex systems, based on the interaction between humans and technology, in which the complexity gap is managed by intelligent software components.

The main research areas are on the crossing of Human-Computer Interaction, Ubiquitous Computing, and Artificial Intelligence.



Our publications are available through PORTO@Iris, the open repository of publications produced by the scientific community of Politecnico di Torino.


Projects and Collaborations

We actively collaborate with international associations, non-profit and public institutions, as well as industrial partners. Have a look at our current and past collaborations!


Research Topics

Discover our research topics and our commitment to the Open Source community, throught the software tool we realize. Check out our research!