New Research on Digital Attention Heuristics Published in TOCHI
Our recent paper published on the ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction presents a set of actionable design guidelines and strategies to create interfaces that respect users' attention and time by default.New Publication: A Collaborative Model for K-12 Computing Education
Our recent paper published on the Entertainment Computing journal talks about the design, evaluation, and analysis of an introductory coding course for 4th-grade classes, and reports on our experience within the 'Batti il 5' national project.Participation at IUI 2025
On March 24-27, 2025, the e-Lite group will participate at the 30th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2025) in Cagliari, Italy. Tommaso Calò will present a paper on DeepFlow, a flow-based visual programming tool for deep learning development.e-Lite: Intelligent and Interactive Systems
The e-Lite research group develops and studies innovative technologies applied to interactive applications. The spirit of the research is the integration of complex systems, based on the interaction between humans and technology, in which the complexity gap is managed by intelligent software components.
The main research areas are on the crossing of Human-Computer Interaction, Ubiquitous Computing, and Artificial Intelligence.
Our publications are available through PORTO@Iris, the open repository of publications produced by the scientific community of Politecnico di Torino.
Projects and Collaborations
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Research Topics
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